The Ongoing Saga Of The New Sleep Section

The problem with having Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome is that you can't do much (if anything) in a day. It means I work at snails-pace in fact. But hey, better late than never right?

If you read the Free Sleepydust E-Magazine you might have noticed how I've said that I'm working on a new section on sleep. Problem is - this has been going on for months now. I think I started working on it in spring - maybe earlier than that. And STILL I haven't got it online!

Well I have done some of it, but because I haven't finished coding it all, I've not made the sleep section accessible yet. But instead of leaving you in suspense, I thought I'd at least show you a few of the pages I've done so far!

For now, this is the ONLY way to access these pages - so call it a 'sneak preview'! Don't forget - the section is not finished yet, so it means that many of the pages aren't linked to each other yet.

“If you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia and sleep so much then why on earth do you need treatments and therapies to help you to sleep more?

Don’t you sleep enough?”

That's the confusion. Here's the answer...

After a quick introduction about sleep and CFS, the section goes on to talk about how many doctors believe that a sleep disorder is at the bottom of CFS.

I'll leave you with that little teaser for now, but will post again with more 'sneak-preview' pages from the new 'sleep' section!