ME/CFS & Electromagnetic Frequencies

I received a message from someone today, asking about the impact that electromagnetic frequencies may have had on my illness. They asked if, apart from having mononucleosis, I could remember whether I started using a computer daily around the time I developed ME/CFS.

He explained how he also suffered from ME/CFS and did not develop symptoms until he started spending his whole day in front of the computer.

Here is my reply:

Hi [name]

Thanks for your message.

When I first came down with ME/CFS (or Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome as my doctor calls it), I was studying at university and didn't spend nearly as much time at the computer as I do now.

But I can understand why electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) might be a contributing factor to ME/CFS. As ME/CFS sufferers, we tend to be very sensitive to environmental energies. That can include electromagnetic radiation, such as that generated from computers and their screens. The radiation in itself can be a stressor for us, I think.

I write about environmental energies and stress in greater detail in the ME/CFS online course I've just written. Feel free to check it out here:

Wishing you all the best,


I have given further thought to this and would to add the following points:

1. So as to minimize the effects of electromagnetic radiation, I wear an EMF shield pendant, and also place crystals on top of the computer and screen. Crystals are known to draw electromagnetic frequencies away from you. You do need to clear them periodically though.

2. The gentleman said that he started getting ME/CFS symptoms when he started spending the whole day at the computer. If you follow the Mickel Therapy approach, this would imply that there was something around that time that was causing him so much stress that his body eventually manifested its 'warning signals' in the form of symptoms.

Again, you can learn more about the fundamentals of Mickel Therapy in the Sleepydust ME/CFS online course here....

It's also worth checking out the Mickel Therapy book, which you can find out more about here...

Editor of Sleepydust