Cancelled :: March/April Issue of Sleepydust Emagazine

Hi everyone

March has been an especially trying and tough month for me as a PVFS/CFS sufferer, so I've decided to cancel the publication of this month's emag issue. The next issue of the Sleepydust Emagazine will be published end of April. Please accept my most sincere apologies to all of my subscribers. I hope to be 'back on track' soon.

All the best

Editor of

Submit your blog/diary!

Hi guys!

Jo (forum moderator) came up with the great idea of doing a blog/diary directory. So if you have CFS/FM and have an online diary where you write about your experiences as a sufferer, why not submit to the directory?

The blog directory is new, so not many blogs listed yet, but here's the link:

And you can submit your diary/blog here:

Looking forward to reading your blogs and diaries!

All the best

Editor of