What Happened At The Meeting?

Remember the meeting of MP's about the benefits system and ME/CFS in the UK?

Well a meeting did apparently occur in July.

But we've also managed to locate the minutes of other All-Party Parliamentary Group Meetings on ME/CFS, which may be helpful in using as evidence if you are trying to appeal for Disability Living Allowance:

- For minutes of APPG Meeting On ME/CFS (2nd February 2005), click here...

- - For minutes of APPG Meeting On ME/CFS (28th June 2004), click here...

Thanks to Mandy for letting me know about these!

If anyone knows when the minutes of the most recent APPG meeting on ME/CFS are online, please do let us know so we can post a copy here! Thanks!

And ofcourse, you might also find the previous post useful to - which is the ME Association's most recent response to the DWP guidelines on ME/CFS. Click here for the ME Association's most response)
