ME Awareness Week: Coming Soon!
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- Editor
ME Awareness Week - 8 to 14 May 2006
Are you doing anything for ME Awareness week?
Here is some information from some charities who would love you to get involved:
The ME charity for young people, 'AYME', has a great page dedicated to how young sufferers can get involved here...
Editor of Sleepydust
Are you doing anything for ME Awareness week?
Here is some information from some charities who would love you to get involved:
"Join us in Washington, D.C. on May 8-9 for the CFIDS Association of America's 14th Lobby Day on Capitol Hill. Be part of the group that spends the day talking with lawmakers and their staff members about funding for CFIDS research, care and treatment centers, disability and education issues.
"We recognize that for many people affected by CFIDS, limitations imposed by health, strained finances and other responsibilities make it impossible to consider traveling to Washington, D.C., so we are extremely grateful for the efforts and sacrifice that participants make to take part in this experience. As the date approaches, we'll have a "virtual lobby day" through CFIDS Link and our Grassroots Action Center, enabling those who can't be with us in Washington to augment the impact of what advocates are able to accomplish in person on Capitol Hill."
-- CFIDS Association Of America, [More...] --
"In recent years any publicity in May has been focused within one week - ME Awareness Week. Now, every attempt at raising awareness of ME is to be applauded as the more publicity generated will make more people realise that there is a problem which needs to be resolved.
However, there hasn't been the coordination or focus which other similar campaigns (notably the McMillan campaign for breast cancer (Think Pink) attracted. So Invest in ME is attempting to make May 2006 ME Awareness Month. We feel only a whole month can raise the necessary awareness to generate a demand from the public and politicians that something has to be done.
Check our events page over the next few months to see what is being planned. The focal point will, as stated, be the ME Conference in London."
-- Invest In M.E., [More...] --
"Fundraising during M.E. Awareness Week is a great opportunity to increase understanding of M.E. amongst your friends, colleagues or schoolmates whilst raising vital funds for people with M.E. Why not do your bit by holding an M.E. Awareness Week event?
We’re suggesting that each day of the week focuses on a different fundraising activity, offering something for everyone. Whichever event you choose (and of course the actual day you hold your event on is up to you), we will send you everything you need – like fundraising advice, sponsor forms, balloons, collecting boxes and stickers.
M.E. Awareness Week Fundraising Event Timetable
Monday Fundraising at work
Tuesday Fundraising at school
Wednesday Low energy activities
Thursday Pub quiz
Friday Party
Saturday Sponsored walk or run
Sunday Coffee morning
To register your Grand Challenge or event you can download an event form and send it or fax it to us.
Alternatively e-mail: for your M.E. Awareness Week Pack or ring 0117 927 9551"
-- Action For M.E., [More...] --
The ME charity for young people, 'AYME', has a great page dedicated to how young sufferers can get involved here...
Editor of Sleepydust