Updated: Treatments & Therapies For Depression

You can check out the updated page about treatments and therapies for depression here...

Editor of Sleepydust

Updated: Medication & Supplements For Restless Leg Syndrome

Although there is no cure for Restless Leg Syndrome , there are apparently treatments, supplements and medicines that can often relieve it at least temporarily.

The page about medication and supplements for Restless Leg Syndrome has been updated. You can check it out here...

Editor of Sleepydust

Updated: Directory of Diaries & Blogs By ME/CFS & FMS Sufferers

Our small directory of diaries and blogs of ME/CFS and FMS Sufferers has been updated.

You can check it out here...

And if you suffer from ME/CFS and FMS and wish to submit your online diary to the directory, click here!

Media Article: "One ME Sufferer In Every Secondary School"

"The medical profession is neglecting young ME sufferers according to national children's charity AYME (Association for Young People with ME).

The organisation, headed by Esther Rantzen, has 3000 members and found in a survey that:

* one third have no medical services offered one third were refused home visit even though they were too poorly to leave home

* half could not access services offered to them because they are too disabled."

-- One ME Sufferer In Every Secondary School, The Daily Record, 10 May 2006 --

To read the full article, click here!

Editor of Sleepydust

Media Article: "ME: A hidden national scandal"

"In July 2005 a campaign was launched in Hampshire to protest about the opening of the latest of the new "ME/CFS clinics."

(...) They point out that bio-medical research grants have not been awarded whilst the psychiatric-based interventions have had government funding to the amount of £8.5 million for establishing NHS Regional Clinics and £2.6 million for the PACE and FINE trials.

The “Pacing, Activity and CBT: A Randomised Evaluation” (PACE) and the “Fatigue Intervention by Nurses Evaluation” (FINE) trials are both psychological/psychiatrically-led trials involving Graded Exercise Treatment (GET) and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) which apply specifically to ME These are potentially harmful to anyone with classical neurological ME, as defined by the Canadian Criteria, since forced exercise can exacerbate cardiovascular problems.

These techniques are practised through the new ME clinics."

-- Sue Stockton, "ME: A hidden national scandal", GreatReporter.com, 11 May 2006 --

To read the complete article, click here...

I hope you find the article interesting!

Editor of Sleepydust

Invest In M.E. DVD Soon To Be Available

"The ME Conference 2006 brought together delegates from 6 countries and forged new relationships between people who are determined to safeguard proper funding for treatment/cure for myalgic encephalomyelitis.

(...) Invest in ME have set the price of the conference film at £13 plus postage and packaging for UK delivery - so a single dvd set delivered in the UK will cost £15. There is a discount for bulk orders. The DVD should be available at the beginning of June and will contain all of the conference presentations in full. We also hope to include additional information on the DVD.

To register or for more details, click here!"

Editor of Sleepydust

Media Article: "Potential Animal (Zoonotic) Virus Identified in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis and Epilepsy"

"Recent independent scientific research funded by the National CFIDS Foundation, Inc. (NCF) of Needham, MA provided preliminary confirmation of a new virus identified in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

(...) Dr. Steven J. Robbins, virologist and Chief Executive Officer of Cryptic Afflictions, LLC has discovered a major neuropathogen identified as an RNA virus designated as Cryptovirus. Substantial clinical and molecular evidence indicates that this virus is involved in the development of neurological disorders that include Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) by the World Health Organization, Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.) and Idiopathic Epilepsy of unknown cause."

-- Gail Kansky, National CFIDS Foundation, Potential Animal (Zoonotic) Virus Identified in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis and Epilepsy,U.S. Newswire, May 31 --

Thanks to George, for letting us know about this article! :)

I hope you find this article interesting!

Editor of Sleepydust