Please Vote For ME/CFS & FMS!

Hi Everyone,

Jo here, the Sleepydust Forum Manager. Jessica Williams, an author, has written a book called ‘How To Give To Charity’ and is generously donating all royalties from sales to a fund to be given to charity. Icon Books, her publisher, is matching these royalties with the same amount again.

On her website, Jessica’s running a competition of sorts, where the charity with the most votes from the public will receive the funds.

Obviously, there are lots of charities to choose from, but there are a few ME/CFS/PVFS and FMS ones in there that have been suggested as potential recipients, such as the ME Association and MERGE. So it’s down to us, sufferers of these illnesses, to vote to try and help one of the charities ‘win’.

All you'd need to do is visit her website, enter your email address and the charity you’ve chosen, and click ‘submit’. It’ll only take a couple of minutes to do, and just think what the money could mean for the winning charity...

If you’d like to vote, please click here to be taken to the ‘How To Give To Charity’ website.

Voting closes on 30th June 2006.

Thanks everyone.

Take Care,

Sleepydust Forum Manager