Updated: 'Frequently Asked Questions'
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- Editor
Since Sleepydust was founded in August 2003, many ME, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia sufferers have contacted me with various questions and concerns. After a while, I was able to pinpoint the most frequently asked questions and put a (long) page together, answering them all.
So much more information has become available on Sleepydust since it's launch, that the FAQ page was in definite need of updating and 'revamping'. So here is the newly polished and updated FAQ page for you!
You can check out the updated FAQ page here!
These are the questions that are answered in the updated FAQ page:
Check out the updated FAQ page here!
Hope you find it helpful!
Editor of sleepydust.net
So much more information has become available on Sleepydust since it's launch, that the FAQ page was in definite need of updating and 'revamping'. So here is the newly polished and updated FAQ page for you!
You can check out the updated FAQ page here!
These are the questions that are answered in the updated FAQ page:
General FAQ
* Do you have any free information I can have?
* How can I keep up to date with ME/CFS & FM related news?
* What supplements, products & other items have helped you?
* Which books do you recommend on CFS/ME, FMS & related subjects?
* How can I meet other CFS/ME & FMS sufferers?
* What are M.E., CFS, PVFS, and CFIDS?
* What's the difference between M.E., CFS, PVFS, and CFIDS? Why so many names?
* Is there a cure for CFS/ME?
* Will I get better? Will I get worse?
* What can I do to help myself recover?
* Is ME/CFS all in the mind? Or is it real?
Diet & Supplements
* Are there foods I should and shouldn't eat?
* What medicines and supplements should I take?
* Is there anything I can do to feel more energised and less exhausted?
* How careful should I be about the type, amount, and mix of supplements I take?
Feeling Low and Depressed
* Is ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome different to Depression as a condition?
* What can I do to stop feeling so down or depressed?
Money Worries
* Are there state benefits I can apply for?
* I have no money. What can I do?
* Will I still be able to work and earn my own money while I suffer from CFS/ME or FMS?
About Sleepydust
* How are you funded? How can I help?
* I'm a bit lost - there's so much information! Where's a good place to start?
* How can I find out more about Sleepydust?
Check out the updated FAQ page here!
Hope you find it helpful!
Editor of sleepydust.net