MEA Release: ' DWP guidance update - meeting arranged'

The ME Association have made the following release:

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

DWP guidance update - meeting arranged

Following all the messages of concern that have been received by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) on this issue a further meeting has been arranged for Monday 17 October to discuss the content of the proposed new medical guidance on ME/CFS for DLA, Attendance Allowance and Carers Allowance decision makers.

And as a result of requests for the DWP to make public the names of the health professionals who have prepared this new guidance, permission has been sought from those involved. We expect a decision on this from a member of their Corporate Medical Group in early September.

Charles Shepherd
Medical Adviser, ME Association

Article in Telegraph About Reverse Therapy

There has been an article published in the Telegraph about ME/CFS, and how reverse therapy has helped Anna Hemmings, professional canoeist recover from CFS.

Click here to read it...

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