Vomiting - Is It Part Of ME/CFS?

OK, not a particularly nice post, but something I thought might interest you.

A friend of mine told me that her boyfriend (who suffers from ME/CFS) had been vomiting a lot. From what I can remember, this had been going on for a while now, but they had put it down to the ME/CFS, or failing that, a bug that he'd picked up.

I thought I'd look into it some more so I looked up 'vomiting' in my copy of 'Living With M.E.' by Dr Shepherd. He mentions it three times in the book. The first is about 'Infectious Onset of ME'. He wrote:

'Marked dizziness and vomiting are an occasional presenting feature, in which case a diagnosis of labyrinthitis - infection involving the inner ear - maybe the cause.'

Dr Charles Shepherd, Living With M.E., p40

In his section called 'irritable bowel' he also wrote:

'Among the wide variety of fluctuating or persisting digestive symptoms are nausea, vague colicky pains in the stomach, bloating or feeling abnormally full after a meal, and alterations in bowel habit, which can veer towards diarrhoea or constipation. Vomiting, progressive weight loss or blood in the motions should not be ascribed to ME/CFS, and a search must be made for an alternative explanation.'

Dr Charles Shepherd, Living With M.E., p62

If you would like to read my review of the book 'Living With M.E.' by Dr Charles Shepherd click here!