Help Raise Money For ME/CFS Research!

If you have Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) then you will probably have come to know how little we still know about this illness. This fact has contributed to the medical scepticism and social stigma that exists, and of course has not helped in bringing us closer in finding a universal cure.


In there words:

MERGE is a national UK charity funding biomedical research into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (also known as ME/CFS) and related illnesses. Our principal aim is to commission and fund high-quality scientific (biomedical) investigation into the causes, consequences and treatment of ME, but we also have a mission to "Energise ME Research".

There are many ways you can help to raise money for MERGE. One is using a collection box:

MERGE collection box. Our boxes come in the shape of a little house — a home for your aspirations for a biomedical breakthrough. Each comes with a chain, and a key so you can open it and send the money on. Use them to collect all your loose change (notes, if you like), or use them as a swear box or a fine box (they are not intended for street collections).

One very efficient and simple way to raise money is to ask your local shop to take a box — we find that if you look after it by keeping in touch with the owner and emptying it every few months, each box can bring in about £60 per year! Imagine if there were 10,000 little "homes for your aspirations" in shops up and down the country, the easily-raised income would be £600,000 per year for the biomedical research you wish to see (and a million boxes?...).
Whatever your use for the box, here is a way to energise ME Research from your own fireside. To order a box, contact MERGE headquarters.

To find out about the other ways in which you can help to raise money for research into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) and related illnesses, click here!

Editor of Sleepydust