Updated: Reviews Of Items For ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia
Posted By:
- Editor
If you have ME/CFS or Fibromyalgia, then you're probably confused about which items, supplements and products to go for. Which work? Which don't?
As a long-term Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) sufferer and editor of Sleepydust, I have tried and/or researched many products in the past few years. The 'reviews' section is there to shed some light on them. Many of the reviews in that section are my own, but more and more other sufferers have been submitting their reviews for this section, and more are to come.
The reviews section started off as just one page. Since then it has evolved into an ever-evolving section. More recently, it had reached a point where a little 'reorganization' was needed!
So now, you can check out the item reviews by symptom. By selecting the symptom you want to ease/eliminate, you can now pinpoint much more easily, the items you might want to learn more about.
Click here to check out the reorganised ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia Item Reviews section!
I hope you find the section useful! :)
Editor Of Sleepydust
As a long-term Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) sufferer and editor of Sleepydust, I have tried and/or researched many products in the past few years. The 'reviews' section is there to shed some light on them. Many of the reviews in that section are my own, but more and more other sufferers have been submitting their reviews for this section, and more are to come.
The reviews section started off as just one page. Since then it has evolved into an ever-evolving section. More recently, it had reached a point where a little 'reorganization' was needed!
So now, you can check out the item reviews by symptom. By selecting the symptom you want to ease/eliminate, you can now pinpoint much more easily, the items you might want to learn more about.
Click here to check out the reorganised ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia Item Reviews section!
I hope you find the section useful! :)
Editor Of Sleepydust