Sneak Preview: 'A Closer Look At The Name Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'

Do you know the difference between ME and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Do you know why the term Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has caused such an uproar in the ME/CFS community?

Here's a sneak preview that explains it all. Makes for some shocking reading...

Click here!

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Sneak Preview: A Closer Look At The Name 'Myalgic Encephalomyelitis'

Here's another sneak preview. Once again, this page is not yet accessible via the main site because I still have to add a few links to it, but the main content is all finished.

For a sneak preview of 'A Closer Look At The Name 'Myalgic Encephalomyelitis' click here!

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New Page: 'The Lack Of ME/CFS Research'

Just to let you know that I have just uploaded another new page, all about the lack of research into ME/CFS.

Click here to check it out!

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