Submit A Review Or Make A Recommendation...

Would you like to submit a review to us about a therapy you've tried, or a book you've read? Both positive and negative reviews are welcome!

Or perhaps you've found a treatment or supplement that really works for you and would like to submit your recommendation to us?

Click here to find out more...

Editor of Sleepydust

Submit A News Item

Do you have ME/CFS- or FMS-related news to share with the community? Are you a charity, a researcher or scientist? Maybe you're a sufferer and have found a news item which you think might newsworthy?

This blog, The Sleepydust Newspaper, is where we post about ME/CFS- and FMS-related, international and national news. Some of the news items that are posted in the Sleepydust Newspaper are also mentioned in the popular Sleepydust Emagazine too. So this is a great way to announce your news and to spread the word.

Feel free to submit your news item below.

Here are a few guidelines:

* We will only consider news items which are related to ME/CFS and/or FMS in some way. This includes anything that might affect (or interest) ME/CFS and FMS sufferers, such as changes in government/state benefits.

* We have a large international readership, so we welcome national news items. Since we are a UK web site, we tend to focus on the United Kingdom, but news items about events / research in other countries are welcomed. Please note that we will not consider news items about local events unless they are notable, large events that are of general interest to the ME/CFS or FMS community at large e.g. a large ME/CFS conference with notable guest speakers would certainly be considered.

* We tend to consider news items that are 'of the moment'. No old news please!

* Please check recent postings made at Sleepydust Newspaper before you submit, to see if it's already been mentioned or not.

* To stay up to date with the latest newspaper posts (and to see if your news submissions have been posted), please subscribe to our RSS feed [more...] or sign up to be notified by email [more...].

To submit a news item click here...

Editor of Sleepydust

Requesting A Review Of Your Product/Service On Sleepydust

Sleepydust receives many requests from companies, therapists and authors who would like us to review their products and services. Some wish to send us samples for our visitors to review. Others ask if I would review their product on Sleepydust, as Editor.

You can now find out how you can go about requesting a review of your product/service on Sleepydust here...

All the best

Editor of Sleepydust

How To Advertize On Sleepydust...

Sleepydust receives many enquiries from companies, therapists and authors who wish to advertize their products and services. You can now find out how you can go about advertizing on Sleepydust here...

The new page explains how you can start advertizing on Sleepydust immediately (for a matter of pence), and provides a form through which you can contact us if you are looking for more 'high-profile' advertizing.

Click here to find out more...

All the best

Editor of Sleepydust