Media Article: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Linked To Glandular Fever'
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- Editor
Following the three recent posts (here, here and here) about the findings by Australian researchers, here is another article on the topic. This particular one includes links to The Journal Of Infectious Diseases, and the university which undertook the study (UNSW):
To read the full article, click here!
I hope you find it interesting!
Editor of Sleepydust
"We believe that the parts of the brain that control perception of fatigue and pain get damaged during the acute infection phase of glandular fever. If you're still sick several weeks after infection, it seems that the symptoms aren't being driven by the activity of the virus in body, it's happening in the brain." -- Professor Andrew Lloyd, University of New South Wales, as cited in 'Chronic fatigue syndrome linked to glandular fever',
To read the full article, click here!
I hope you find it interesting!
Editor of Sleepydust