Proof That A CFS Sufferer Can Succeed Online...

For many Chronic Fatigue Syndrome /ME/PVFS and Fibromyalgia sufferers, losing all hope of a ever having career can be difficult to come to terms with. But it doesn't have to be that way. Even if you are housebound, if you can sit at the computer for even only 20 minutes in a day (or night!), then you still can make a career for yourself by working from home.

OK, it's slower and more gradual than our 'healthy' counterparts, but the tortoise wins the race right???

I often recommend to sufferers that they consider setting up their own online business. It's by far the best work-at-home solution of our times, and has endless opportunities for you to tap into.

But I often find resistance in sufferers who feel that they could never possibly do that. Many sufferers are techno-phobes and say they don't have any idea about computers nevermind running a website. They don't know how to code or design a web site - nevermind run one - so how on earth could they run their own online business?


By using what I use to run, market and manage SiteBuildIt! (SBI!).

I'm tired, I'm ill, I need to save my energy and time because let's face it, I don't have much of either. A couple of years ago I scoured the internet for work-at-home tools and literally stumbled across SBI and it changed my life.

When you use SBI, you can set up your own online business and run it using a fraction of the time and energy you'd spend otherwise. You don't have to know ANY coding and don't need ANY design skills - SBI literally builds your site for you.

This is so important that I'm going to repeat it because many sufferers out there don't seem to realise this:

You now don't have to know ANY coding and don't need ANY design skills - SBI literally builds your web site and online business for you.

All YOU have to do is...

... 'BYOAM!' as founder of SBI, Ken Evoy calls it...

... Bring Your Own Brain And Motivation.

That's it.

You only need to take a look at Alexa's traffic ranking for to see that SiteBuildIt! (SBI!) really does what it it promises. rates web sites according to the number of visits they get. And according to, is in the top 1% of the most visited web sites in the Internet!

Not bad, considering that Alexa list over 16 million web sites!

And not bad considering that is run by one person - me! A sleepy, largely housebound Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferer, that works at snails pace and sometimes can only work for 20 minutes in a day, if that.

I've updated the SBI resource center on for you. Now you can see's actual traffic rank according to Alexa, because I've put an image link on there which shows sleepydust's latest traffic ranking. Up to date, solid proof.

There are also other useful things there - from free resources to more info on SBI.

Click here to visit sleepydust's SBI resource center...

If you're interested in working from home, then there's another post that might interest you: Click here to read my post titled 'If you're interested in working from home'!

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Why Is There Such Opposition To The EU Food Supplements Directive?

Why is the 'Alliance For Natural Health' (ANH) opposed to the EU Food Supplements Directive? Click here to read their explanation...

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