ME Association Release: "Next All-Party Parliamentary Group on ME meeting, 16 November"
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Latest ME Association Release:
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Next All-Party Parliamentary Group on ME meeting, 16 November
The next meeting of the Westminster APPG will take place on Wednesday 16 November from 1pm to 2pm.
Members of Parliament who belong to the APPG on ME have already received details of this forthcoming meeting.
The meeting will feature a presentation by Professor Tony Pinching - who currently chairs the NHS ME/CFS investment steering group - on progress that has so far been made in establishing a network of ME/CFS clinics in England with the 8.5 million (GBP) of dedicated funding provided by the Department of Health.
We hope that as many MPs as possible will turn up to this meeting. For individuals and local groups, it provides a good opportunity to ask your MP if he/she is going to attend - especially if there are local concerns about any aspect of the way in which a new ME/CFS service is being developed.
For MPs who are interested in attending but are not yet members of the APPG, more information can be obtained from Tony Britton at the MEA (click on this link to email Email) or via their internal contact with Des Turner MP (APPG Chair) or Steve McCabe MP (APPG Secretary) at the House of Commons.
Dr Charles Shepherd
Medical Adviser, ME Association