Media Article: 'Chronic fatigue brain injury link'
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- Editor
Following the two recent posts (here and here) about the findings by Australian researchers, here is another article on the topic:
To read the complete article, click here!
I hope you find it interesting!
N.B. Again, although the title of the article refers to ‘chronic fatigue’, the content of the article seems to refer to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is different. Unfortunately, these terms seem to be often used interchangeably (and incorrectly) by the press. To find out more about these two terms, click here!
Editor of Sleepdust
"Some cases of chronic fatigue syndrome could be due to brain "injuries" caused during the early stages of glandular fever, scientists suggest.
A University of New South Wales team has followed people with Epstein-Barr virus since 1999.
They suggest those who remained ill after the virus had gone had suffered a "hit-and-run injury" to the brain.
Writing in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, they said the brain appears to keep behaving as if a person is ill." -- BBC News, Monday, 6 March 2006 --
To read the complete article, click here!
I hope you find it interesting!
N.B. Again, although the title of the article refers to ‘chronic fatigue’, the content of the article seems to refer to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is different. Unfortunately, these terms seem to be often used interchangeably (and incorrectly) by the press. To find out more about these two terms, click here!
Editor of Sleepdust
ME Association: New Hotels & Retreats Leaflet
Posted By:
- Editor
Here's a recent release by the (UK) ME Association:
Friday, March 03, 2006
Our new Hotels & Retreats leaflet
Our revised Hotels & Retreats leaflet containing details of accommodation in England, Wales and Scotland which have been recommended by people with ME is now available, price £1 inc p&p.
Many thanks to all those who contributed suggestions and helped bring the details up to date.
Details of all leaflets and literature avalaible from The ME Association can be viewed and printed off by clicking on this link
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