ME Conference 2006 in London on 12th May
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Here's some recent information from Invest In M.E. who will be running the ME Conference 2006 in London on 12th May...
You can also apparently order the conference on DVD. IIME will announce more details about this next month. To order or find more details on ordering of ME Conference 2006, click here...
Good luck with the conference, guys! :)
Editor of Sleepydust
We have over six countries represented at the conference - from as far away as USA and Canada and as near as Eire.
Delegates from various groups and charities include BRAME, 25% Group, MEA, AYME, ME North East, Peterborough ME and CFS Self-Help, EAME, Cambridge ME Support, Camberwell ME, Suffolk.
Youth and Parent Support, Plymouth and District ME, ReMEmber, Irish ME Trust, Norwegian ME Association, Danish ME/CFS Association.
Apart from our distinguished speakers Dr. Elizabeth Dowsett is attending as is Doris Jones.
As far as the media is concerned we have Radio Five Live who will be transmitting live to the conference and also ITV will be filming the event. UK national newspapers have been invited and some have already accepted.
Our original aim with the conference was to attract healthcare staff to listen to some of the leading experts on ME and, hopefully, change perceptions relating to ME. Just one change in the knowledge of one healthcare practitioner could be significant. We are pleased to write that we have delegates attending representing PCTS, GP practices, CNCC/ME Clinics, Universities, Educational services and occupational therapists and clinics.
And, of course, individuals with ME and their carers or parents. Without their support we could not have made this conference a reality.
More details of the conference can be found at this link.
You can also apparently order the conference on DVD. IIME will announce more details about this next month. To order or find more details on ordering of ME Conference 2006, click here...
Good luck with the conference, guys! :)
Editor of Sleepydust