Family Fund : Support For Children Aged 15 & Under
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Here is a recent release by the ME Association (UK):
Family Fund support for children aged 15 and under
The Family Fund is a registered charity which provides grants to UK families to pay for things that relate to the needs of their disabled children.
In 2004/05 alone, around £27.7m (GBP) was distributed to more than 45,000 families.
Shirley Young, chair of the trustees, said: "Families look to the fund for help with practical things such as holidays, computers or play equipment.
"Our grants are not huge amounts, but what we give often has a significant impact because we work with what the family identifies are their main concerns."
Help can only be offered for children and young people aged 15 and under. The Fund will consider any request on its merits and within its grant-making criteria.
For more information, contact: The Family Fund, Unit 4, Alpha Court, Monks Cross Drive, Huntington, York YO32 9WN. Tel: 0845 130 4542.
Click on this link to visit their website: The Family Fund