Forum Post - Green Veg & Food Intolerances

I thought you'd be interested in the following posts that Jo, Sleepydust Forum Manager has moved over to the new Sleepydust Forum (the forum has moved in the past couple of days).

It sparked my attention because a sufferer had reported that they had been found to be allergic to green vegetables. This to me was very strange so I asked Lesley, my nutrionist/kinesiologist, who also kindly replies to questions at the nutrition/diet/kinesiology board (at the Sleepydust forum), to take a look at the post and share her opinions. Her answer was very interesting! She says it is all to do with 'sensitvity to salicylic acid'...

To read the thread, and Lesley's answer (3rd post down), visit:

Please note that although the posts say they were all posted by Jo, this is because she has had to move the posts over the the new board. She has written who posted what, and when, at the bottom of each post. Thanks Jo for doing such a fab job in setting up the new forum by the way :)

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