11 Tips For Traveling With Me / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia - Part III

11 Tips For Traveling With Me / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia - Part III

Copyright, Claire Williams, 2003-2005. All Rights Reserved.

In part I and II of this article we covered my first 8 tips for traveling long distances with ME / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia. In the final part of this 3 part series, we explore some more tips for voyaging when you suffer from ME / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia.

9) Sensory overload

When you suffer from ME/CFS, visual and aural stimuli can be too overwhelming for your brain to process adequately. This is especially true when you're traveling...

... the noise of the train, bus or plane, the chatting people, the fast moving countryside outside, the throng of other travelers...

All of this can play havoc with your brain and can end up making you feel even *more* exhausted, and your brain even *more* foggy!

There's not much you can do about this. But say you're on a train for example - if the fast moving countryside is making you feel dizzy, then try to avoid looking out the window. Close your eyes if you have to, or wear a sleep mask. If you find that you're getting dizzy and tired when you're in a busy corridor full of commuters in the subway for example, stop and face the wall for a few seconds to regroup and regain your clarity and balance.

10) Wear some magnetic insoles

I had made it a point to see my Nutritionist/ Kinesiologist before I left for my trip abroad. She tested me with all the supplements I took daily, and found that the 'Pure Synergy' superfood powder really raised my vital force (see point 11 below).

But perhaps even more astounding was the magnetic insoles she gave me - they raised my vital force so much that at first, it literally felt like I was standing on a power pod! I could even feel a subtle tingling sensation in my legs!

I wore my magnetic insoles on the trip and I have to say that I *did* feel more energized! It's a very subtle feeling and after an hour or so of using them the tingling went away. You may or may not have the same sensations when you first try them - depending on how severe your ME/CFS is and how susceptible you are to external forces. But they're well worth a try. I now make it a point to wear my magnetic insoles whenever I have to venture outside and now that I know how much they help me, I most certainly wouldn't be without them.

Please see the link below for my full review about wearing magnetic insoles as a severely affected sufferer.

11) Perhaps most importantly, pack some nourishing food and supplements specifically for your voyage.

It's important to eat small amounts regularly especially when you travel. It's not a good idea to eat sugary foods or anything containing caffeine (including coffee, tea, sweets or chocolate) because although that may pep you up for the first few minutes, they are likely to make you feel a lot worse in the long term.

I took a few of Dr Gillian McKeith's 'Living Food Energy Bars' with me - I always keep a spare one in my handbag for emergencies anyway. Nuts are also a great idea when you're traveling (if you're not allergic to them that is).

I also took some of that amazing 'Pure Synergy' superfood powder (see link below), and mixed it in with some cooled herbal tea in a small bottle. No sugar. No caffeine.

It was my energy pep-up drink - and I swigged it all the way back on my voyage. It did the trick.

To read my in-depth review of the Pure Synergy superfood click here!

And you can check out my full review of wearing magnetic insoles here!

So there you go - eleven things that will help to make any long trip less stressful and exhausting. Bon voyage!

Copyright, Claire Williams, 2003-2005. All Rights Reserved.