Please Vote: Which ME/CFS & FMS Freebie Would You Prefer?

I'm planning on writing a few freebies on M.E. /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Fibromyalgia (FMS). There are a few ideas listed below, but I need to know which you'd be most interested in. So...

... here's another poll!

I'd be very grateful if you could vote!

If there's a real favorite, I may dedicate more time researching it and turn the favorite into a paid ebook, but for the main, I'd like to create freebies to get the word out about Sleepydust.

If you have any ideas of the type of information you'd like to see as ebook freebies, please do mention them in the 'any comments' box in the form linked below. (The freebies need to be information-type products that can be downloadable via the internet.)

Click here to vote for which ME/CFS & FMS freebie you'd prefer!

Thanks all!

Editor of Sleepydust