The 25% ME GROUP supports suspension of PACE and FINE Trials

Latest release from the 25% ME Group:

9 September 2005

The 25% ME GROUP supports suspension of PACE and FINE Trials

The 25% ME Group is the only ME charity specifically supporting severely affected sufferers of ME (ICD10: G93.3). We represent the interests of severely ill ME patients, many of whom are so ill that they are totally bedridden, some of whom are wholly dependent on carers for the basic functions of daily living and others who are
lucky enough to be able to leave home in a wheelchair occasionally.

The 25% ME Group is pleased to learn that the ME Association is calling for the PACE trials to be suspended and would like to add its voice in support of this call.

We would also call to include the FINE trials in this suspension. These are aimed at the severely affected and are using techniques that are wholly inappropriate to the house and bed bound sufferer.

We would also agree with the MEA statement, based on feedback received from members that:

"We find it extremely disturbing that the evidence so far points to the main influence in the newly created CNCCs to be psychiatric and would ask for more input from Patient groups in the running of these centres and a move away from the outdated and harmful methods of treatment i.e. CBT and GET."

We demand and expect the MRC to fund research into the physical causes of ME and to withdraw funding from the psychiatrically influenced PACE trials and from centres promoting CBT and GET as treatments for the physical illness ME.

We deplore the fact that the two promising genetic research studies being conducted by Dr John Gow (Scotland) and Dr Kerr (England) are having to be funded through patient support groups and charities.

We also take this opportunity to call upon the "Wessely School" psychiatrists to acknowledge the wealth of research that discredits their view of ME as a 'somatic disorder', including but not limited to research into cardiac abnormalities, genetic abnormalities, immunological abnormalities, neuroendocine abnormalites and vascular anomalies.

25% ME Group
21 Church Street
KA10 6HT

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