In Danger Of Losing Your Job Because Of ME/CFS or FMS?

Many sufferers have contacted me about their fears of losing their jobs because of their illness. Some are worried about their health which seems to be deteriorating before their eyes, and others express concerns about their employers and are wondering what their rights are.

I recently got a message from a CFS sufferer who asked:

I wondered if you had any info on other sufferers who were in danger of losing their jobs?

For those of you who find yourselves in the same predicament, check out the Sleepydust Forum. It has a set of boards titled 'Benefits, Welfare & Work' which you might find helpful.

Alternatively, to see if there have been any postings about your questions, just click on the blue search button at the top of the forum once you've registered and type in your keyword/s.

You might also like to post your experiences or questions on the 'Benefits, Welfare & Work' boards.

Remember! In order to have full access to the board (and to be able to post) you will need to register (free). You can register here:

And then you can access the Sleepydust Forum whenever you like here:

You may also find the following helpful:

- Work From Home Section

- ME/CFS Or FMS :: Is It Time To Quit Your Job?

I hope you find the above information and the Sleepydust Forum, helpful.

All the best

Editor of Sleepydust