ME Association: Ramsay Research Fund - brief update

Recent update by the ME Association:

Ramsay Research Fund - brief update

The Ramsay Research Fund, a restricted fund operated by the ME Association, supports research into all aspects of ME. In particular, the RRF finances studies which are designed to (a) improve our understanding of the underlying cause of the illness, (b) produce a diagnostic test, (c) develop effective forms of treatment.

Recently completed studies include those carried out by:

Professor Ronald Chalmers and colleagues at St George's Hospital Medical School, London into the diagnostic and clinical role of various urinary markers and metabolites. These results have just been published as three separate papers in the scientific journal Clinica Chimica Acta.

Dr Derek Pheby and colleagues at the University of the West of England into factors which are involved in the development of severe ME. These results are being prepared for publication.

Research that is currently being funded includes the study into gene expression being carried out by Dr John Gow and colleagues at the University of Glasgow. Preliminary results are being prepared for publication.

Future research initiatives that are currently under active discussion include a study involving the examination of brain and nervous system tissue from people with ME who have died and a study to assess the value of a new investigative test which may identify specific food allergies and intolerances in people with ME.

Dr Charles Shepherd
Medical Adviser, The ME Association