Sleep Deprivation

Insomnia can be a nasty symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - not all sufferers experience it though, and some may develop it while others won't.

I didn't suffer from insomnia as a symptom of Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome until after my relapse a few years ago (after my PVFS went into remission for a year and a half). And I have to say - what a cruel thing to have when you have CFS/PVFS!

Not only are you already weak and exhausted, not only do you never feel refreshed after sleeping (and usually after long hours nevermind hardly any) - but you also have trouble getting to and staying asleep!!!! Insomnia and CFS. Not a great combination!

What with my insomnia phases becoming a normal part of life with PVFS, I thought I'd look into 'sleep deprivation'. Here's what I found...