
In my search for better sleep I came across melatonin. It's our natural sleep hormone - and guess what? CFS/FM sufferers apparently have abnormal levels of it. Here's the introduction page of melatonin in the new insomnia sub-section...

Essentially, melatonin supplements are meant to help you get to sleep - and stay asleep.

I have tried taking synthetic melatonin supplements and they do sometimes actually work me! I have to say though, that sometimes it doesn't work. It depends on my current sleeping hours. Also, when I take them, I sometimes get 'vivid' dreams (bordering on nightmares but not quite), which I understand can be a side-effect for some people. But that doesn't happen every time I take melatonin and it's still one of my favorite sleep remedies nevertheless!

So I decided to dedicate a whole sub-section to melatonin. Again, it's not finished, but the introduction page to the melatonin subsection is here...

And here is some info about some of the pages I have already uploaded:

There’s lots of evidence out there that suggests that melatonin supplements can help to treat insomnia. Click here for more info...

Another page about melatonin (about how it can reset your sleeping patterns), that is already online can be found here...

And for the page titled 'The Melatonin Hormone - The Hormone Of Darkness', click here

Should you use normal or sustained-release melatonin supplements? Click here...

And (this is important) for why synthetic melatonin supplements are best, click here...

So how much melatonin should you take? Click here...

If you're wondering if melatonin is safe to take every day, click here... and if you wondering about the side effects of melatonin, click here...

As I said, the melatonin sub-section isn't finished yet, and the pages to which I have provided links above, aren't really finished either. Call it another 'sneak preview'! ;)